(a) The official hours of operation of Ward Field Park are 9:00 a. m. to dusk.
(b) Upon application therefor to the City Manager, special permission in the form of a written permit may be granted for seasonal extension of the evening hours, but in no case shall Ward Field remain open past 11:00 p. m.
(c) The Englewood Hills Little League Association will not begin an inning later than 10:00 p. m. or vacate the premises later than 11:00 p. m. , as specified in subsection (b) hereof.
(d) The Manager is hereby authorized and directed to erect a padlocked entrance gate at Ward Field Park, such gate and any other necessary traffic control devices to be utilized for access control.
(e) The Manager is hereby authorized and directed to clearly post the hours of operation and strictly enforce such limitations.
(f) The overall expense, maintenance and management of resources at Ward Field Park shall predominantly rest with the Association, until such time as Council may decide otherwise. Such policy shall not be interpreted to preclude the general public from making use of the Park for other than organized activities.
(g) In recognition of the maintenance responsibility mentioned in subsection (f) hereof, the Association shall be permitted to operate a concession stand and retain the full profits thereof.
(h) Any substantial improvement to the property shall be authorized in writing by the Manager or his or her designee and shall conform to the Ward Field Park Master Plan.
(Res. 67-80. Passed 8-12-80.)