(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, each property owner whose premises within the City is served by the refuse collection service authorized in this chapter shall pay to the City, as required by Section 1064.10, in advance, the charge for the service as provided herein. Such charge shall be an amount equal to the estimated cost to the City for providing the service, calculated on an average monthly basis per unit served. Such estimated cost shall include payments to contractors; contract administration and enforcement not to exceed ten percent of contract costs; postage; printing; billing and accounting services; disposal charges, if any; and a reasonable charge for the cost of City services and property used in providing the service. The City Manager shall certify a detailed estimate of costs for the service and a proposed monthly charge for each consumer or owner to Council which shall, from time to time by resolution, approve charges to be made and collected as provided herein.
Collection for the monthly charges for refuse collection as provided in this subsection shall be made from all residences receiving service provided for in this chapter.
(b) The first statement, as required by Section 1064.10, for charges for refuse collection service for new customers shall include charges for services rendered from the time service begins until the end of the current billing period plus the advance charges for the next normal billing period.
(c) For the purpose of calculating the service charge for the first service period for new customers and the credit due customers terminating service, the first and last days of refuse service shall be the same day water service is begun or terminated by the new customer and terminating customer, respectively. Based on the number of days per month, the customer shall pay the pro rata share of days of service received during the billing period of beginning or termination of service.
(Ord. 90-4. Passed 2-13-90; Am. Ord. 15-14. Passed 8-11-15.)