(a) Protection. Each user, at its expense, shall provide protection from accidental discharges of prohibited materials or other wastewaters subject to this chapter. Signs shall be permanently posted in conspicuous places on the discharger's premises, advising employees whom to call in the event of a slug or accidental discharge. Employers shall instruct all employees who may cause or discover such a discharge with respect to emergency notification procedures.
(b) Accidental Discharge Notification. Users shall notify the Service Director immediately upon the occurrence of a slugload or accidental discharge of any such materials or wastewaters in violation of this chapter or applicable wastewater discharge permit conditions. This notification shall be followed within five days of the date of occurrence by a detailed written statement as required under subsection (c) hereof describing the cause of the discharge and the remedial measures taken to reduce the possibility of recurrence. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any liability for any expense, loss or damage to the POTW.
(c) Upset Notification.Any user which experiences a failure of a pretreatment system which results in an unintentional or temporary state of noncompliance with this chapter due to factors beyond reasonable control shall inform the Superintendent of Utilities as soon as possible, but not later than twenty-four hours after the beginning of the upset. Where information is given orally, the user shall file a written report with the Service Director within five days. The report shall include:
(1) A description of the incident, its cause and its impact on the user's compliance status;
(2) The duration of noncompliance, including exact dates and times of noncompliance. If the noncompliance continues, the time by which compliance is reasonably expected to be attained; and
(3) All steps taken or to be taken to reduce, eliminate or prevent recurrence of the conditions of noncompliance.
(d) Liability. Any user which discharges a slugload or accidental discharge shall be liable for any expense, loss or damage to the City, in addition to the amount of any fines imposed on the City on account thereof under State or Federal law. The user shall document and maintain sufficient records so as to reflect fairly and accurately any such slugload or discharge, including, but not limited to, bypasses of pretreatment facilities
(e) Bypass. Bypasses of pretreatment facilities are prohibited and the City may pursue enforcement action unless the user receives prior written approval for a bypass from the City.
(Ord. 99-16. Passed 11-9-99.)