(a) Discharges From Outside the City or the City's Service Areas.Wastewater originating from industrial and/or commercial operations outside the City or the City's contract service areas shall not be discharged in any form into the City's wastewater facility, except upon written approval by the Director of Service.
(b) Dilution. No user shall increase the use of process water or dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with any pretreatment standard or requirement. This shall not prohibit the use of equalization tanks utilized to regulate flows.
(c) Pass Through and Interference.No user shall discharge or cause to be discharged, directly or indirectly, any pollutants which by their nature or concentration will pass through or cause interference with the operation or performance of the POTW.
(d) Specific Prohibitions. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the City's wastewater facility any wastewater, substance, material, water or waste in such a quantity or concentration which, in whole or in part:
(1) Creates a fire or explosion hazard, including, but not limited to, gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit or sixty degrees Celsius using test method specified in 40 CFR 261.21.
(2) Contains corrosive properties causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment or personnel of the wastewater facility. However, in no case, shall discharges have a pH lower than 6.0 or greater than 10.0.
(3) Causes obstruction to the flow in wastewater sewers or other interferences with the operation of the City's wastewater facility;
(4) Constitutes a slugload;
(5) Contains heat in amounts which will accelerate the formation of excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide in wastewater sewers, inhibit sampling efforts, endanger monitoring or maintenance personnel or inhibit biological activity in the wastewater treatment facility. A discharge of wastewater in excess of sixty degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) may be prohibited by the Director. In no case shall a discharge of wastewater cause the temperature of the influent to the wastewater treatment facility to exceed forty degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
(6) Contains oil, fat, grease or solid or viscous material which causes obstruction in the flow in sewers, causes interference with the operation or performance of the wastewater facility or causes pass through of the POTW. However, in no case shall any person discharge oil and grease in concentrations exceeding 100 mg/l.
(7) Contains noxious, malodorous gas or other substance that creates a public nuisance, health and safety problems or danger to POTW workers;
(8) Contains radioactive wastes in harmful quantities as defined by applicable State and Federal laws and regulations;
(9) Contains any garbage that has not been properly shredded;
(10) Contains any odor or color producing substances exceeding concentration limits which may be established by the Director for purposes of meeting the City's NPDES permit, or which are otherwise objectionable and not removable by the wastewater treatment facility;
(11) Causes the City's effluent or residues, sludges or scums to be unsuitable for reclamation and re-use or otherwise causes interference with the City's sludge disposal practices;
(12) Causes the City to violate any limit or requirement in its NPDES permit, otherwise passes through the City's wastewater treatment facility or significantly contributes to any such violation or pass-through; and
(13) Increases the hydraulic loading on the plant, including, but not limited to, any storm water, surface water, groundwater, roof run-off water, subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water or uncontaminated industrial process waters. This applies strictly to all new connections. All existing connections may be approved or rejected after review of hardship and/or other considerations by the Service Director.
Any trucked or hauled pollutants, including septage and industrial waste, except at locations and times designated by the POTW, shall also be prohibited.
(e) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the City's wastewater facility any solvent in any quantity or concentration without the prior written approval of the Director.
(Ord. 99-16. Passed 11-9-99.)