Peddlers, Vendors, Canvassers and Charitable Solicitations
EDITOR'S NOTE: Chapter 854, previously titled Peddlers and Vendors, was repealed and replaced by Ordinance 83-27, passed October 4, 1983.
854.01   Definitions.
854.02   Authority to issue license.
854.03   License or registration required.
854.04   License application.
854.05   License waiting period; investigation.
854.06   License fees.
854.07   License expiration; revocation or suspension.
854.08   Exceptions from license and fees.
854.09   Compliance with State law.
854.10   Falsification; misrepresentation.
854.11   Hours of solicitation.
854.12   Prohibited soliciting; notice.
854.13   Appeals.
854.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate - see Ohio R. C. 715.61 et seq.
   Power to inspect food products - see Ohio R. C. 715.46
   Charitable solicitations - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 1716
   Home solicitation sales - see Ohio R. C. 1345.21 et seq.
   Frozen desserts - see Ohio R. C. 3717.51 et seq.
   Littering - see GEN. OFF. 660.03