(a)   No person owning or being in possession of land within the City shall:
      (1)   Permit water to stand thereon so as to become stagnant in a way prejudicial to the health, comfort or convenience of any of the residents of the neighborhood;
      (2)   Permit putrid substances to remain thereon;
      (3)   Permit or fail to remove obstructions to culverts, inlets, drainageways, swales or storm sewers;
      (4)   Obstruct the natural flow of water thereon to the detriment of the use and enjoyment of other property; or
      (5)   Permit the destruction of or fail to maintain sufficient grass or other vegetative material for ground cover, as necessary for storm water runoff and erosion control, to increase the absorbent capacity and porosity of the soil and otherwise to enhance and protect the efficiency and life of overland drainageways in accordance with the principles and standards of Chapter 1222 of Part Twelve - the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (b)   Upon information that land is being allowed to exist in violation of division (a) hereof, the City Manager shall cause written notice of the nature of such violation to be served on the owner or other person having possession of such land. Thereupon, such land shall be brought into compliance with this section by the owner or other person in possession thereof and the violation specified in such notice shall be eliminated within the time specified by the City Manager in such notice. In determining the time allowed for correction of such violations, the City Manager shall allow a reasonable period necessary to permit correction and elimination of the violation, taking weather conditions into account and considering the actual time required for completion of the work.
   (c)   If the owner or other person in possession of such land fails to comply, in the time allowed, with the notice provided in division (b) hereof, the City Manager, subject to appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction, shall cause the work required to eliminate the violations noted to be done at the expense of the City and the amount of money so expended shall be recovered from the owner as provided herein.
   (d)   Council shall make a written return to the County Auditor of the action of the City under divisions (b) and (c) hereof, with a statement of the costs incurred by the City, including amounts for materials, labor and equipment, and a proper description of the premises. Such amounts shall be entered upon the tax duplicate and be a lien upon such land from and after the date of entry, to be collected with other taxes and returned to the City with other items of the General Fund.
(Ord. 74-30. Passed 6-25-74.)