As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Strike" means the failure to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work or the abstinence, in whole or in part, from the full, faithful and proper performance of duties of employment, for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions, compensation, rights, privileges or obligations of employment or of intimidating, coercing or influencing others from remaining in or from assuming such employment.
   (b)   "Picket" means a person who is engaged in a strike and who marches or walks on public property adjacent to or near the property where a strike is in progress for the purpose of:
      (1)   The expression or communication of a view, grievance, complaint or opinion on any matter related to the strike;
      (2)   Inducing, influencing or coercing a change in conditions; or
      (3)   Unlawful strike activities.
(Ord. 79-39A.    Passed 6-26-79.)