Council shall elect a Vice-Mayor on December 1 following each Municipal election or within ten days thereof. No one shall be considered a candidate for the office until he or she has been nominated by a member. Recorded roll call votes cast in alphabetical order of the last names of members shall be taken to determine which candidate is favored by a majority of the Council members. If more than one vote is necessary to select the favored candidate, those candidates with the lowest numbers of votes, or with no votes, shall be eliminated from further consideration after each vote, provided, however, that the top two vote recipients and those candidates tied in any vote shall not be eliminated from consideration in further votes.
   After a candidate obtains a majority vote of members of Council, a motion appointing that candidate favored by a majority of Council members shall be in order. A recorded roll call vote shall be conducted on the motion.
(Ord. 74-21. Passed 3-12-74. )