(a)   Mayor's Duties. The Mayor, also called the President of Council, shall take the Chair at the hour appointed for Council to meet and shall immediately call Council to order.
   (b)   Temporary Chairman. In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor shall preside.
   (c)   Appeals. The Chair shall preserve decorum and decide all questions of order, subject to appeal to Council, by any one of its members. Should any member transgress the rules of Council, the Chair shall, or any member may, call him or her to order, and in the latter instance the Chair shall render a decision as to the point of order. In case of an appeal from a ruling of the Chair, the question shall be, "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the decision of Council ?" The Chair shall be sustained unless overruled by a majority vote of the, members of Council present.
   (d)   Votes. The Clerk of Council shall call the roll at all times and the order of the vote shall begin with the person seated to the left of the person making the motion.
      (1)   The Chair shall declare the vote after the Clerk has announced the results.
      (2)   It shall not be in order for members to explain their votes while the vote is being taken.
      (3)   Roll call votes shall be done by using "Yes" to indicate approval and "No" to indicate disapproval.
(Res. 3-72. Passed 2-22-72.)