Nominations may be made to the Mayor by any member of Council or any other person and, if approved by the Mayor, awards shall be conferred in accordance with the following guidelines:
   (a)   Notice of awards to be made, except for Certificates of Appreciation, shall be be given to Council at least five days before public announcement of such awards, where practical. Awards shall be conferred at regular meetings of Council, at the annual City service recognition event or at such other times and places as are appropriate.
   (b)   City Award Plaques shall be conferred once only on persons or organizations for outstanding service to the community. Such plaques may be conferred for service on Council; for service of two years or more on City boards, commissions or special committees when the recipient has attended at least sixty percent of the board's, commission's or committee's regular meetings and actively participated in projects and programs of the board, commission or committee; or for other outstanding community service.
   (c)   Extended Service Plaques shall be conferred under the same guidelines as for the City Award Plaques but only after the recipient has received the City Award Plaque.
   (d)   Certificates of Appreciation may be conferred on any person or organization for service rendered to the community.
   (e)   Special awards may be conferred for service rendered to the community or for participation in or attendance at special events.
(Res. 58-75. Passed 8-12-75. )