Among other powers, the Council shall have authority to take the following action by ordinance:
   (a)   Appoint and remove the Manager and the Clerk, and establish and modify their salaries;
   (b)   Establish administrative departments and define their duties;
   (c)   Fix salaries and wages for all employees;
   (d)   Adopt the annual budget;
   (e)   Adopt and modify the official map of the Municipality;
   (f)   Authorize the levy of taxes and the issuance of bonds;
Council shall have authority to take the following action by resolution or motion:
   (g)   Inquire into the conduct of any officer or employee in the performance of his public duties;
   (h)   Employ a certified public accountant annually to audit the accounts of the Municipality, unless the Council determines such audit is not necessary, or of any officer or department whenever Council deems such audit necessary. The selection of such certified public accountant is to be at Council's discretion and not subject to laws governing competitive bidding.
   Council shall have the power to adopt ordinances and resolutions on any subject within the scope of Its powers and provide penalties for violation thereof.
(Amended 11-4-80.)