No additional water or sewer main or extensions to existing water or sewer main of the city shall be made except on approval of the City Council and paid for as follows, to wit:
      (A)   Where additional water and/or sewer main or extensions to existing water or sewer main is requested by a subdivider or developer, the entire costs of labor and materials for such extension or addition to the water and/or sewer main shall be paid by the developer/sub divider. Should developer provide the materials and labor and install said water and/or sewer main extensions to the existing water or sewer main themselves, said developer or sub divider shall install same to the specifications of the Eminence Water Works. The city Public Works Director, under the authority of the City Council, shall make the criteria determination per project. All additions or extensions to the existing water or sewer mains shall include the necessary lift stations as deemed appropriate by the Public Works Director. No individual sewer grinder pumps will be accepted by the city Water Works for maintenance unless specifically authorized by the City Council.
      (B)   Provided, however, the city shall only be obligated to install such sewer and/or water main if the property for which service is requested is directly adjacent to an existing city sewer main/water main or is adjacent to a city easement which is adjacent to such sewer main/water main and only when such easement can reasonably be crossed.
      (C)   Where an addition or extension to the water and/or sewer main is requested by an individual or business for the personal use of the said individual or business then said individual, or business shall pay the entire cost of materials necessary for such extension or addition and the city shall pay the cost of labor necessary therefore. Land developers shall be responsible for providing all materials and labor for any such addition or extension. However, where an individual or business pays the costs of such materials and/or labor such individual or business shall be entitled to reimbursement from any customer thereafter hooking onto the main for which said individual or business had paid for the materials and said reimbursement shall be calculated by the following formula:
Number of running feet traversed by main and         Amount of reimbursement
owned by person wishing to tap into line         X
Total number of feet of main added            Total initial costs of person entitled to
initially by person entitled to reimbursement         reimbursement
   (D)   The right to reimbursement from additional persons wishing to add onto such line shall exist for a period of ten years after which an individual and/or business may connect onto the addition or extension of the main without reimbursement to the original individual and/or business which paid for the material therefore. Any individual or other business or individual entity shall be responsible for obtaining any and all easements, rights-of-way or other authorizations necessary to allow any extension of water and/or sewer main requested by such person or entity.
   (E)   Said water and sewer main extension reimbursement policy shall not apply to developers and/or sub dividers unless the persons wishing to add onto such line are another developer and/or subdivider.
   (F)   Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the City Council from exercising its discretion to extend water and/or sewer mains at city expense to any location it deems in the best interest of the city.
(Ord. 2015-007, passed 11-9-15)