That portion of revenues collected pursuant to this chapter which result from sewer debt services charges levied shall be deposited and disturbed according to the provisions of the debt service of the 1993 bond indebtedness and appropriate transfers shall be made to this fund on a monthly basis. All provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be consistent with and not contradictory of that 1993 bond ordinance. Specifically, it is understood that debt service on the sewer expansion project will come not only from revenues pursuant to this chapter but also from the $75,000 designated in Ordinance 2007-16 styled an ordinance relating to the imposition and administration of a occupational license requirement, and payment of an occupational license tax by persons and business entities conducting business, occupations and professions within the city and repealing prior inconsistent ordinances. This chapter shall be read to be consistent with all ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 2015-007, passed 11-9-15)