(A)   General. Campgrounds/RV parks shall be considered a form of planned unit development and administered thereunder as conditional uses in the zone where said use is allowed, except no density increases will be considered.
   (B)   Minimum parcel size. No campground or recreational vehicle park shall be allowed on a parcel of less than 40 acres.
   (C)   Dwelling site requirements. The dwelling sites must conform to the state’s Department of Health standards and the following.
      (1)   Campsites or recreational vehicle sites shall have a minimum of 3,000 square feet designated for each family unit, with a minimum of 40 feet, center to center.
      (2)   A strip of land with a minimum width of 40 feet shall be reserved for a service road adjacent to each of the designated sites.
      (3)   Parking shall be off the road.
      (4)   Recreational facilities as determined by PUD.
      (5)   A water system capable of providing 100 gallons per site, per day, at 200 psi at the most remote fixture for RV sites, or within 400 feet of each campsite for non-RV sites.
      (6)   Conforming on-site sewage collection and disposal system sized for 100 gallons per campsite per day.
      (7)   Solid waste facilities consisting of one 30 gallon can for each four campsites or one dumpster for each 20 sites, constructed to prevent overturning or cover removal by animals, and screened.
      (8)   Fire pit for each campsite.
      (9)   Campsites for recreational vehicles shall have sewer connection, water connection and electric connection or recreational vehicles shall be self-contained and a wastewater disposal station for the first and each 100 such vehicles at least 50 feet from the nearest campsite shall be provided.
      (10)   Drinking water and restroom facilities with showers shall be provided, all within 400 feet of every site not served with full facilities.
      (11)   Grass or other complete ground cover shall be maintained, except in parking areas and roads.
      (12)   Evidence shall be provided, prior to final approval, that the licenses and approval process of the state’s Department of Health has been adhered to.
      (13)   All sites shall be well drained.
      (14)   Sufficient storm shelter shall be provided to accommodate all occupants of the campground.
   (D)   Submissions. The submission requirements for a campground shall be the same as PUDs, except as determined not applicable by the Zoning Administrator.
   (E)   Event camping.
      (1)   Application of provisions. This chapter imposes regulatory requirements on certain activities which are held on streets, public property and private property which are defined as “public assemblages”. The requirements imposed by this chapter do not alter, supersede or nullify any requirements contained in other statutes, ordinances or regulations which may also regulate these same activities. These requirements shall be applied in a content-neutral manner and without discrimination as to race, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation or other unlawful discriminatory classification. This chapter shall not apply to the following events:
         (a)   Events or assemblies occurring inside permanently established, fully enclosed places of assembly such as a place of worship, public auditorium, theater, recreation hall, gym or other enclosed structure designed primarily for housing and assembly of people; provided that, the maximum number of persons expected to attend or in actual attendance does not exceed the maximum capacity of the enclosed place of assembly;
         (b)   Events or assemblies in conjunction with school events on school property, church events on church property if designed for that use or government sponsored public hearings; or
         (c)   Events or assemblies at golf facilities, resorts or other licensed recreational sites during normal day-to-day operations when the event involves spectators in a number equal to or less than can be served by existing facilities.
      (2)   Application.
         (a)   Any person applying for an event camping license shall complete a conditional use application approved by the Planning Commission.
         (b)   An application for a conditional use permit shall be in writing, addressed to the Planning Commission and filed with the Zoning Clerk at least 60 days prior to the date upon which the camping event shall occur. The Planning Commission shall act upon the application within 30 days after its submission.
         (c)   Application shall be made by the owner of record of real estate situated in the city upon which the event camping is to take place or lessee thereof or duly authorized agent or attorney of the owner or lessee.
         (d)   Such application shall include the following information:
            1.   A statement of the name, age and residence address of the applicant;
            2.   If the applicant is a corporation, the name of the corporation and the names and addresses of its directors;
            3.   A statement containing the name, address and record owner(s) of the property(ies) where the event camping shall occur and the nature and interest of the applicant therein;
            4.   The proposed dates and hours of such public camping event;
            5.   The expected minimum number of persons intended to use the property(ies) at one time and collectively;
            6.   The number of automobiles, motorcycles and other vehicles intended to use the property(ies) at one time and collectively;
            7.   The estimated number of campsites;
            8.   A general explanation of the activity to be carried on and the admission fee to be charged, if any; and
            9.   Any other information deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Notice to abutting owners. The Planning Commission shall send special notice by mail to all owners of abutting property within 350 feet of the site of the event and the parking area of the time and place of the public hearing regarding said special entertainment. The applicant shall bear the cost of the mail.
      (4)   Payment of due taxes; zoning requirements met. Any person applying for a conditional use permit shall show that all taxes due to date have been paid and all zoning requirements met for the premises on which the entertainment is to be held and for the property to be used as associated parking facilities.
      (5)   Additional provisions applicable to all permits. Any person holding a permit under this chapter and every place of event camping shall comply with the following provisions. Violation of any of these provisions shall be unlawful.
         (a)   The event shall not last longer than five consecutive days and four nights.
         (b)   No light on any part of premises licensed hereunder or on any place of the event shall be permitted to shine beyond the property line of the premises with an intensity sufficient to disturb the peace, health, safety or comfort of any adjacent residents or the general public.
         (c)   No soot, cinders, smoke, fumes, gases or disagreeable or unusual odors shall be permitted to emanate from the premises so as to be detrimental to any person or to the public or which either annoys, disturbs, injures, endangers or which may disturb, injure or endanger the health, safety and welfare of any person or the public.
         (d)   The applicant shall supply adequate and appropriate toilets at both the site of the event that meet the requirements of the state’s Department of Health.
         (e)   All trash and rubbish shall be collected and removed from both public and private property within 24 hours after the conclusion of the event.
         (f)   At no time shall music be played by mechanical device or live performance which annoys, disturbs, injures, endangers or which might annoy, disturb or endanger any person or the public in their health, comfort, safety, repose and peace.
         (g)   No loud, unnecessary or unusual noise shall be permitted to be made or caused to be made or continued at any time which either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace and safety of other persons or the public.
         (h)   The applicant shall supply a bond, letter of credit or other financial security satisfactory to the Council at the time the license is issued to provide protection for possible damage to other owner’s property or public property in the vicinity of the entertainment or the parking area. Said bond shall not be released until ten days after the event.
         (i)   The applicant shall provide insurance satisfactory to the Council at the time of the license is issued for all police officers assigned to the event to cover medical care, any future loss of pay due to injury related to the event and protection against any court suit or liability for false arrest or other civil or criminal action related to the event.
         (j)   The applicant shall provide sufficient security that is approved by the city’s Police Department.
         (k)   The applicant shall be responsible for compliance with all state, federal and local laws relating to health, safety and welfare of the public at the event.
      (6)   Notice of denial. If the Planning Commission of the city shall deny an application for a permit under this chapter, it or the City Clerk/Treasurer shall notify said applicant of the disapproval of said application and shall include therewith a statement for the reasons for disapproval. The notice of denial shall be sent by first-class mail.
      (7)   Permits not transferable. No permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferred or assigned to any person or used by any person other than the person to whom it was issued, nor shall such permit be used on any location other than the location stated in such permit.
      (8)   Revocation of permit. If, after the permit is issued, the Planning Commission determines that any of the items set forth in this section is not adhered to and accomplished within a reasonable time prior to the date or dates of the event or if the Planning Commission determines that any of the provisions of any section of this chapter has been or is being violated, then the permit shall become null and void.
(Ord. 906-2011, passed - -2011) Penalty, see § 152.999