(A)   Intent and purpose. To establish and maintain a land use district that preserves the city’s rural character and provides low density, rural development adjacent to existing transportation infrastructure but not serviced by municipal sewer and water.
   (B)   Lot and use requirements (RP).
Animal unit per acre - maximum
Buildable lot area - acres, minimum
Building above highest ground water level - feet, minimum
Building height, accessory structure - feet, maximum
Building height, dwelling - feet, maximum
Impervious coverage - percent maximum
Lot width - feet, minimum
Setback, corner side - feet, minimum
Setback, rear - feet, minimum
Setback, right-of-way, county or state road - feet, minimum
Setback, right-of-way, city road - feet, minimum
Setback, side yard - feet, minimum
Setback, sign - feet, minimum
Setback, un-platted cemetery or archeological site - feet, minimum
Setback, wetland or stream - feet, minimum
   (C)   Performance standards (RP).
      (1)   Screening. Screening consisting of native trees and shrubs covering a minimum of 75% of the area (leaf-on conditions) is required in the shore impact zone, bluff impact zone and wetland setback in order to retain the scenic beauty and rural character as viewed from lakes. To obtain a construction permit in this district, a revegetation plan shall be required for existing properties that do not meet this standard.
      (2)   BMPs.
         (a)   The Best Management Practices for Minnesota for Agriculture and Water Quality, State Pollution Control Agency, shall hereby be adopted as the standard for agricultural uses.
         (b)   The Best Management Practices in Minnesota for Water Quality in Forest Management, State Department of Natural Resources, shall hereby be adopted as the standard for timber management in forested areas.
      (3)   Outside storage. Storage of a fish house and a recreational vehicle is allowed if stored not less than ten feet distance from any property line and not within the OHW setback.
      (4)   Fences. Fences not exceeding 60 inches in height may be constructed, except within the OHW setback area. Fences not exceeding 36 inches may be constructed within the OHW setback area so long as the fencing is transparent. Under no circumstances shall a fence be constructed closer than ten feet from the surface of a public road. Materials shall consist of usual fencing materials with posts and fence of metal, wood, concrete, brick or smooth wire. Barbed or electrified wire is not to be used where frequent human contact is anticipated.
      (5)   Establishment of primary use. All garages permitted without principle dwelling units shall have adequate buildable area for a principle dwelling unit, a sewer treatment system and a well. Applicants for garages without principle dwelling units shall submit a sewer design by a licensed designer for the future principle structure before obtaining a permit.
(Ord. 906-2011, passed - -2011)