(A)   All structures and appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the state’s Building Code. The city does not examine plans, inspect dwellings for conformance with any state codes nor assume liability for the structural stability or quality of any structures.
   (B)   All dwelling units shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide, 576 square feet in area and shall be placed on a foundation.
   (C)   No building shall be placed closer than ten feet from any other structure, unless designed to meet the fire separation requirements of the state codes.
   (D)   Any new structure constructed or placed after the date of this chapter and not on a permanent foundation shall be considered a temporary structure.
   (E)   Manufactured homes and mobile homes shall be installed by a licensed installer and a copy of the installation compliance certificate shall be submitted to the city prior to occupancy of the dwelling.
   (F)   For dwellings to be moved onto a property, excluding manufactured homes that have never been occupied, the following shall be applicable.
      (1)   Prior to permit issuance, the property owner shall provide documentation of a certified home inspection including the following, at a minimum:
         (a)   Certification that the electrical wiring meets state codes;
         (b)   Certification that the plumbing meets state codes;
         (c)   An evaluation of foundation adaptability and condition;
         (d)   An evaluation of roof condition;
         (e)   An evaluation of structural integrity; and
         (f)   Certification that all doors, windows and siding are in acceptable condition.
      (2)   The dwelling, once in place, must meet all municipal ordinances, with consideration given for approved variances.
   (G)   Temporary handicap ramps may be extended for a period longer than 14 days; provided, a copy of the physician’s prescription is provided to the city. The ramp may be located on the subject property until the expiration of the prescription.
   (H)   Sewage treatment systems shall conform to the state’s Pollution Control Agency Standards, Minn. Rules Ch. 7080.
   (I)   Any public or private supply of water for domestic purposes must meet or exceed standards for water quality of the state’s Department of Health and the MPCA.
   (J)   Plumbing and electrical facilities installed after the date of this chapter in all structures shall conform to the state’s Plumbing Code and Electrical Code, respectively.
   (K)   The provisions of this chapter were prepared to be at least as restrictive as the Statewide Standards for ‘Management of Shoreland Areas’, effective 7-3-1989. Where the conditions of the shoreland standards are more restrictive, or in case of oversight, exclusion or question in this chapter, the shoreland standards shall govern, except for applications involving non-conforming uses or other applications approved by the Commissioner.
(Ord. 906-2011, passed - -2011)