A.   Procedure: The preliminary plat stage includes preparation, submission, review and commission action on the preliminary plat. Processing of the preliminary plat will be expedited by submission of all information essential to determining the intended character and general acceptability of the proposal.
      1.   Zoning Amendments: The preliminary plat shall be designed to meet the specific requirements of the zoning district in which it is located; however, in the event that an amendment of zoning is necessary, an application for such amendment shall be submitted and processed in conjunction with the preliminary plat. The commission shall not proceed with the processing of the plat unless and until such application is submitted. The application for zoning amendment should be heard by the commission at the same meeting as the preliminary plat, but shall be acted upon separately. When a preliminary plat constitutes only one unit of a larger development intended for progressive platting, the zoning amendment shall usually be limited to the area contained in and abutting the initial plat. In any event, any required zoning amendment shall have been approved by the commission prior to preliminary plat approval. Zoning amendments must conform with the general plan adopted by the city council.
      2.   Sanitary Sewerage, Water Supply, Storm Drainage And Garbage Disposal: As a prerequisite of preliminary plat review by the commission, the subdivider shall have informed the commission, health department and city engineer of his tentative plans and shall provide adequate information to determine the general requirements for sewage disposal, water supply, storm drainage and garbage disposal as applied to the subject tract.
      3.   Submission Of Plat:
         a.   Filing; Number Of Copies: Six (6) copies of the preliminary plat and any required supporting data, prepared in accordance with requirements of this title, shall be filed with the commission at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commission meeting at which the subdivider desires to be heard. Scheduling of the case for commission hearing shall be dependent upon submission of adequate data and completion of processing. If additional copies of the submission are needed for proper review of the proposal, they shall be furnished by the subdivider.
         b.   Check For Completeness: The submission shall be checked by the commission for completeness and, if it meets with all requirements of subsection B of this section, it shall be assigned a file number; if incomplete, it shall be rejected and the subdivider notified as to its deficiencies.
         c.   Filing Fee: The subdivider shall, at the time of filing, pay to the city clerk a filing fee based upon the number of lots in the plat. The filing fee shall also cover filing of any amended or revised preliminary plat which may be processed as the same case. If preliminary approval subsequently expires prior to application for final approval, the plat shall be resubmitted for preliminary approval as a new case, and the subdivider shall pay the required fee in accordance with the adopted schedule. The fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus one dollar ($1.00) per lot.
      4.   Review:
         a.   Distribution Of Copies: The subdivider shall distribute copies of the preliminary plat to:
            (1)   The city engineer;
            (2)   The school district superintendent; and
            (3)   The utility companies.
         b.   Review By Commission: The commission shall review the preliminary plat submitted for compliance with the provisions of this title and the zoning requirements, and shall consult with and seek the advice of appropriate city departments and agencies on any matters of design or improvement. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to provide any necessary data.
         c.   Modification Required: In the event the commission requires modification of the plat as submitted, the commission shall so inform the subdivider and may provide him advice in overcoming deficiencies prior to commission hearing. A recommendation for modification or change may be sufficiently important to warrant postponement of the commission hearing until the matter has been resolved with the subdivider.
      5.   Approval/Disapproval:
         a.   Consideration By Commission: The commission shall consider the preliminary plat within forty five (45) days after the plat has been filed. The commission shall report to the city council within thirty (30) days after review of the preliminary plat. The report shall approve or disapprove the map or maps of the subdivision. If conditionally approved or disapproved the report shall state the conditions under which the map would have been approved or that approval was withheld because the land proposed to be subdivided was not suitable for such development. If approval is withheld, the report shall state the reasons why the land was not considered suitable.
         b.   Findings: Before approving a tentative plat, the planning commission and city council shall make such findings as are not inconsistent with the provisions of sections 278.101 to 278.630, inclusive, of the Nevada Revised Statutes or local ordinances adopted pursuant thereto, including, but not limited to, findings that the subdivision:
            (1)   Water Or Air Pollution: Will not result in undue water or air pollution. In making this determination it shall consider:
               (A)   Topography: The topography of the land and its relation to the floodplains or areas subject to flooding or water damage;
               (B)   Soils And Subsoils: The nature of soils and subsoils and their ability adequately to support waste disposal;
               (C)   Slope: The slope of the land and its effect on effluents;
               (D)   Sewerage Plans: The effectiveness of sewerage plans; and
               (E)   Health Regulations: The applicable health laws and regulations.
            (2)   Water: Has sufficient water meeting applicable health standards for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivision.
            (3)   Soil Erosion: Will not cause an unreasonable soil erosion or reduction in the capacity of the land to hold water so that a dangerous or unhealthy condition may result.
            (4)   Burden On Water Supply: Will not cause an unreasonable burden on an existing water supply, if one is to be utilized.
            (5)   Traffic Congestion: Will not cause unreasonable street or highway congestion or unsafe conditions with respect to use of the streets or highways existing or proposed.
            (6)   Conformance With General Plan: Is in conformance with the duly adopted general plan. No provision of this title shall be construed to prevent the city council from disapproving a tentative map if such disapproval is in the best interests of the public health, safety or welfare, and such disapproval is made by a majority vote of its members and made within the time limit provided.
         c.   Preliminary Approval: If satisfied that the preliminary plat meets all requirements of this title, the planning commission may grant preliminary approval, whereupon the secretary shall note such approval on three (3) copies of the plat, return one copy to the subdivider, retain one copy in the permanent commission file, and one copy for the city engineer.
         d.   Conditional Approval: If the plat is generally acceptable but requires minor revision, the planning commission may find conditional approval and the required conditions and revisions shall be noted in the meeting minutes. Thereafter, at the discretion of the commission, the plat may be given preliminary approval when it has been satisfactorily revised in accordance with the commission's stated conditions.
         e.   Disapproval: If the plat is disapproved by the commission, any new filing of a plat for the same tract, or any part thereof, shall follow the aforesaid procedure and be subject to payment of a new filing fee. The subdivider may appeal the planning commission's decision to the city council within thirty (30) days. The city council may overrule any ruling of the planning commission in regard to the tentative plat.
         f.   Delivery To Utility Company: Upon preliminary approval, the subdivider shall deliver one copy of the plat to the utility company.
      6.   Significance Of Preliminary Approval: Preliminary approval constitutes authorization for the subdivider to proceed with preparation of the final plat and engineering plans. Preliminary approval is based upon the following terms:
         a.   Basic Conditions: Basic conditions under which preliminary approval is granted shall not be changed prior to expiration date.
         b.   Term Of Approval: Approval is valid for a period of twelve (12) months from date of commission action and may be extended once for six (6) months at the discretion of the commission. The subdivider may submit the final plat, or any part thereof, on or before the expiration date.
         c.   Site Improvements: Preliminary approval does not constitute an authorization to proceed with site improvements prior to approval by the city engineer of engineering plans.
      7.   Expiration Of Approval: If preliminary approval expires prior to filing of a final plat for the subdivision, the preliminary plat, if resubmitted, shall be processed as a new case and a new fee paid. If commission review of a resubmitted plat reveals no significant change from the previously approved preliminary plat and conditions under which previous approval was granted have not changed, the filing fee shall be as set by the city council and the resubmitted plat scheduled for hearing by the commission at its first regular scheduled meeting thereafter. (Prior Code § 18A-7)
   B.   Required Information:
      1.   Form And Scale: Preliminary plat information hereinafter required shall be shown graphically on one or more plan sheets with written data either entered directly thereon or attached thereto. All mapped data for the same plat shall be drawn at the same standard engineering scale, such scale having not more than one hundred feet to the inch (1" = 100'). Whenever practicable, the plan scale shall be selected to produce an overall sheet measuring twenty four inches by thirty two inches (24" x 32").
      2.   Identification Data:
         a.   Proposed subdivision name, location and section, township and range; reference by dimension and bearing to a section corner or quarter section corner.
         b.   Name, address and phone number of the subdivider.
         c.   Name, address and phone number of the engineer or surveyor preparing plat, together with the registration number issued to such engineer or surveyor by the state registering board.
         d.   Scale, north point and date of preparation, including dates of any subsequent revisions.
         e.   A small-scale location map showing the relationship of the tract to existing community facilities which serve or influence it, including: arterial streets, railroads, shopping centers, parks and playgrounds and churches.
         f.   Legal description defining the boundaries of the subdivision.
      3.   Existing Conditions Data:
         a.   Topographs by two foot (2') contour intervals related to U.S. geological survey datum shown on the same map as the proposed subdivision layout. Topographic data shall be adequate to show the character and drainage of the land.
         b.   Location of water wells, streams, private ditches, washes and other water features, including direction of flow; location and extent of areas subject to frequent, periodic or occasional inundation.
         c.   Within or adjacent to the tract, the location, widths and names of all platted streets, railroads, utility rights of way of public record, public areas, permanent structures to remain and city corporation lines.
         d.   Name, book and page numbers of all recorded plats abutting the tract or across a boundary street from the tract.
         e.   Existing zoning classification of the tract and adjacent properties.
         f.   Dimensions of all tract boundaries; gross and net acreage of tract.
      4.   Proposed Conditions Data:
         a.   Street Layout: Street layout, including location and width of streets, alleys, pedestrianways and easements, including connections to adjoining platted subdivisions and through unsubdivided tracts, proposed names of all streets and approximate grade of all rights of way.
         b.   Lot Layout: Lot layout, including dimensions of typical lots; the dimensions of all corner lots and lots on street curves; each lot numbered consecutively; total number of lots.
         c.   Easements: Location, width and proposed use of easements.
         d.   Land Dedicated For Public Use: Location, extent and proposed use of all land to be dedicated or reserved for public use, including school sites or parks.
         e.   Zoning Districts: Location and boundaries of all proposed zoning districts.
         f.   Deed Restrictions: Draft of proposed deed restrictions.
         g.   Proposed Utility Methods:
            (1)   Sewage Disposal: It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to furnish information as to design for sewage disposal connecting to the city's system.
            (2)   Water Supply: Evidence of adequate volume and quality satisfactory to the city engineer from the city's system.
            (3)   Storm Drainage: Preliminary drainage calculations and layout of proposed storm drainage system, including location of outlets, shall be submitted.
            (4)   Telephone, Power, Gas And Television: Design and location shall be shown. (Prior Code § 18A-8)