Patrons are responsible for damaged materials when it can be determined they are liable. The charges are as follows:
   A.   Minor Damage:
Pencil damage
   $0.10 per page
Crayon, ink and other permanent stains
   0.20 per page
Pages torn, but mendable
   0.20 per page
Cassette hang up bags
   0.70 each
Missing nonessential page
   1.00 each
Book pocket
   0.25 each
Bar code
   0.50 each
Plastic book jacket:
Up to 10 inches
Up to 12 inches
Over 12 inches
   0.25 each
   0.30 each
   0.35 each
Videocassette carrier box
   1.50 each
Audiocassette carrier box:
1 - 2 cassettes
4 cassettes
6 cassettes
8 cassettes
12 cassettes
   B.   Extensive Damage: For books and other library materials beyond repair the patron will be charged the cost of the book or material plus a three dollar ($3.00) processing fee. Library materials include all materials belonging to the library that are available for loan. (Ord. 607, 7-6-2005)