CITY EMPLOYEE: Any person who performs public duties under the direction and control of a City officer for compensation paid by or through the City.
CITY OFFICER: A person elected or appointed to a position with the City, either created by the Nevada Constitution, a statute of this State, or ordinance of the City, that involves the continuous exercise of a local governmental power, trust or duty, including:
   A.   Actions taken in an official capacity which involve a substantial and material exercise of administrative discretion in the formulation of City policy;
   B.   The expenditure of City money; or
   C.   The enforcement of City ordinances and regulations.
IMPROPER GOVERNMENTAL ACTION: Any action taken by a City officer or City employee in the performance of his or her official duties, whether or not the action is within the scope of his or her employment, which is:
   A.   In violation of any State law or regulation;
   B.   In violation of a City ordinance;
   C.   An abuse of authority;
   D.   Of substantial and specific danger to the public health or safety; or
   E.   A gross waste of public money.
   A.   The denial of adequate personnel to perform duties;
   B.   Frequent replacement of members of the staff;
   C.   Frequent and undesirable changes in the location of an office;
   D.   The refusal to assign meaningful work;
   E.   The issuance of letters of reprimand or evaluations of poor performance;
   F.   A demotion;
   G.   A reduction in pay;
   H.   The denial of a promotion;
   I.   A suspension;
   J.   A dismissal;
   K.   A transfer;
   L.   Frequent changes in working hours or workdays; or
   M.   If the employee is licensed or certified by an occupational licensing board, the filing with that board, by or on behalf of the employer, of a complaint concerning the employee; and
if such action is taken, in whole or in part, because the City officer or employee disclosed information concerning improper governmental action. (Ord. 705, 7-13-2017)