A.   Adopted: The Personnel Policy Manual of the City, entitled "City of Ely Personnel Policy Manual", and dated October 1999, is hereby adopted as the Personnel Policy Manual of the City. Said City Personnel Policy Manual is annexed to the ordinance codified herein and on file in the Office of the City Clerk as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof by this reference.
   B.   Modification Of Manual: The Personnel Policy Manual may be amended or rescinded by resolution of the City Council.
   C.   Applicability: The Personnel Policy Manual shall apply to all officers and employees except elected officials.
   D.   Effect: The Personnel Policy Manual, along with all ordinances relating to employees of the City, shall govern procedure for hiring, considering raises, promotions, and discipline such as suspension, discharge and related matters to the extent it does not conflict with contrary provisions of any collective bargaining agreement. (Ord. 538, 1-13-2000)