A.   City Departments: The City is divided into six (6) departments to be known as the public safety department, animal control, parks and recreation department, street department, utilities department and administration department. (Prior Code § 2-27)
   B.   Liaisons: The mayor shall serve as the liaison for the administration department. The mayor shall further designate from the council membership liaisons for the remaining five (5) departments. (Prior Code § 2-27A)
   C.   Scope And Jurisdiction: The scope and jurisdiction of such departments shall be the following:
      1.   Administration Department: The administration department shall include the city clerk's office, city attorney's office, city treasurer's office, building department, and Municipal Court.
      2.   Public Safety Department: The public safety department shall include the police and fire departments.
      3.   Animal Control Department: The animal control department shall include animal control.
      4.   Street Department: The street department shall include all city streets and storm drains.
      5.   Parks And Recreation Department: The parks and recreation department shall include the city parks and the city cemetery. (Prior Code § 2-27B)
      6.   Utilities Department: The utilities department shall include city water, wastewater treatment, sewer, and landfill.
   D.   Role of Designated Liaisons: (Prior Code § 2-27C)
      1.   The primary function of a liaison is to be a two-way communication vehicle between the Council and the department to which he or she is appointed.
      2.   Liaison designations are not supervisory roles.
      3.   Liaisons shall communicate with their designated department to provide guidance and support to the department.
      4.   Liaisons shall bring items before the Council pertaining to their appointed department when necessary.
      5.   Liaisons shall ensure monthly reports are distributed to the Council regarding their respectful department.
      6.   Questions, comments, or concerns regarding a City department shall be directed to the department's liaison.
   E.   Restrictions: Liaisons shall not make decisions for their department but shall bring concerns before the Council through the agenda process for possible action.
   F.   Conflicts of Interest: No city official, whether council member or the mayor, may serve as liaison to any department which employs the city official or employs any person or entity to which the city official owes a commitment in a private capacity. Likewise, no city official may serve as liaison to any department whose operations confer a pecuniary benefit upon the city official or any person or entity to which the city official owes a commitment in a private capacity. (Ord. 734, 7-23-2020)