(A) Building permit for a renewable energy system shall be applied for and reviewed under the procedures established in the National Electrical Code, state statutes, and city zoning code.
(1) Permit required. Renewable energy systems are a permitted use in all zones provided that the following standards are met.
(2) Site plan. The site plan shall contain the date, scale, north arrow and the following items:
(a) Property lines and physical dimensions of the property;
(b) Location, dimensions, and types of existing structures on the property;
(c) Location of the proposed renewable energy systems;
(d) The right-of-way of any public road that is contiguous with the property; and
(e) All overhead utility lines.
(3) Exception. Site plans are not required for roof-mounted solar systems.
(B) Engineering drawings shall include, but not limited to, the following items:
(1) Engineered foundation and renewable energy system drawings stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the state;
(2) Engineered foundation or structure (roof and the like) where the renewable energy system will be installed and renewable energy systems drawings stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the state;
(3) An engineering stamp is not required when all of the following requirements are met: Flush-mounted OEM racking roof installations and total panel weight including mounting hardware does not exceed four pounds per square foot;
(4) Specifications associated with the installation of the renewable energy system and related equipment; and/or
(5) The location of all emergency power disconnect switches.
(C) There shall be no signs posted on a renewable energy system or any associated building, except for the manufacturer’s or installer’s identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner identification.
(D) Renewable energy systems and equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access.
(E) Systems shall not cause interference with television, satellite, microwave, navigational, or radio reception to neighboring properties and areas.
(F) All renewable energy systems must be placed in rear yards, except roof-mounted solar systems.
(G) Systems shall be in compliance with any applicable local, state, and federal regulatory standards, including, but not limited to, the state’s Uniform Building Code, as amended, and the National Electric Code, as amended.
(H) Renewable energy systems that are out-of-service for a continuous period of 365 days shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall either be recommissioned into service as installed or decommissioned and removed, as well as all associated apparatus. Roof-mounted solar systems are exempt from this requirement.
(I) Signing the building permit application constitutes as evidence of the consent of the owner/agents to the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 2017-002, passed 6-13-2017) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) Zoning Administrator’s review-application. The Zoning Administrator shall review each application submitted to determine the completeness of the application. The Zoning Administrator shall forward complete applications for review and consideration of approval by the Building Inspector. Incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant with a list of the deficiencies.
(B) Zoning Administrator review. The Zoning Administrator shall review the proposed building permit application for a renewable energy system and shall grant approval of the building permit application for a renewable energy system after the Zoning Administrator is satisfied that the reasonably anticipated detrimental impacts of a proposed renewable energy system shall be mitigated and that all of the standards and requirements of this subchapter and other applicable sections of this chapter shall be met. Signature of the Zoning Administrator and Building Inspector together with the approved site plan and aforementioned standards shall constitute approval of the building permit application for a renewable energy system. If the Zoning Administrator denies the building permit application, explicit and careful findings of fact shall be enumerated for the record as to why the reasonably anticipated detrimental impacts of a proposed renewable energy system could not substantially be mitigated by the proposal or the imposition of reasonable conditions to achieve compliance with applicable standards. Approval of a building permit application for a renewable energy system is an administrative decision.
(C) Planning Commission review. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to bring any building permit application for a renewable energy system before the Planning Commission if, in their opinion, the general public interests shall be better served by review and approval of the Planning Commission. If the Planning Commission is designated as the land use authority by the Zoning Administrator the public notice, review, and approval procedures, and appeals shall be according to the aforementioned Planning Commission’s procedures. Approval of a renewable energy system permit is an administrative decision.
(Ord. 2017-002, passed 6-13-2017)
Building permit application submitted to the city for a renewable energy system under this section shall not be considered complete unless in addition to the general procedures and standards set forth in § 152.20, it contains the following information, including but not limited to:
(A) Manufacturer’s specifications and recommended installation methods for all major equipment, including wind collectors and the number of collectors to be installed, mounting systems, and foundations for poles or racks;
(B) No more than one small wind energy system shall be permitted per lot and shall only generate energy for use of a main building and/or accessory buildings located on the same lot. This standard however is not intended to prohibit the transfer of excess energy to the power grid;
(C) Setbacks for small wind energy systems shall be one time, plus three feet the height of the wind structure with the blades being a part of the structure as measured from the blade at the highest point;
(D) Maximum allowed height shall be 65 feet. Additional height restrictions may be imposed if the small wind energy system is in any airport’s fly zone;
(E) There shall be a minimum vertical blade clearance from the ground of 20 feet;
(F) Systems shall have an automatic system to prevent uncontrolled rotation;
(G) Systems shall not cause a sound pressure level in excess of 60 dB or in excess of five dB above the background noise, as measured to the nearest property line. This level may be exceeded during short-term events such as utility outages or severe wind storms;
(H) Systems shall not cause vibrations through the ground, which are perceptible beyond the property line containing the wind tower;
(I) Systems shall be designed with a monopole and without guy-wires or support structures;
(J) Systems shall have a nonreflective, neutral color surface;
(K) Systems shall not be artificially lighted or exceed the permitted height that would require any type of lighting by the Federal Aviation Administration; and/or
(L) Systems shall not cause shadow flicker upon any neighboring primary occupied structure.
(Ord. 2017-002, passed 6-13-2017) Penalty, see § 152.99