(A)   No appropriation may be encumbered and no expenditure may be made against any work area appropriation unless there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in the department’s appropriation, except in cases of emergency as provided by this subchapter.
   (B)   All encumbrances designated as outstanding as of the end of the fiscal year shall be evidenced by a purchasing order issued on or before the last day of the fiscal year and approved by the Mayor and City Council.
   (C)   All purchases or encumbrances of such purchases by the city shall be made or incurred according to the purchasing procedures established by this resolution and applicable state law.
   (D)   No expenditures or encumbrances shall be made in excess of the total appropriations for any work area in the budget as adopted or subsequently amended.
   (E)   Purchases less than $3,000.
      (1)   For purchases of $300 or less, authorized city personnel desiring to make purchases do not need to obtain bids and may purchases the items and submit a purchases order therefore without any formal approval procedure. Authorized purchases of $200 or less do not require a purchase order. However, for all purchases not requiring a bid, a sales receipt must be presented to the City Recorder for accounting purposes.
      (2)   For purchases in excess of $300 but less than $2,999, the department head, before making the purchase, shall submit a purchase order to the City Recorder for determination that the purchase would be within the department’s budget. Upon the approval of the purchase order by the City Recorder, the purchase order and the City Recorder’s statement of approval shall be submitted to the Purchasing Officer who may then approve or disapprove of the purchase.
   (F)   Purchases of $3,000 or more.
      (1)   At least three bids shall be required for purchases of $3,000 or more. Sealed bids shall be required for the purchase of all vehicles and road equipment and of all construction projects in excess of $8,000.
      (2)   Contracts for public improvements with an estimated cost of $25,000 or more shall be in accordance with UCA §§ 11-39-103 and 63G-6A et seq., as amended, as it currently exists or as it hereafter may be modified.
(Res. 2018-001, passed 1-9-2018)