(A)   Meetings. The Planning Commission shall meet as necessary and at such times as the Planning Commission may determine. Regular scheduled meetings shall be held at the City Hall or other places if circumstances require it. Meetings shall be held in accordance with the provisions of UCA Title 52, Ch. 4 as amended, or any successor statute enacted in its place. The Commission will be familiar with and abide by the rules set forth in the Municipal Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act, UCA §§ 10-3-1301 et seq.
   (B)   Agenda. An agenda shall be prepared, posted, and followed.
      (1)   Any item to be considered must be communicated to the Planning Commission Secretary at lease 48 hours prior to a scheduled meeting along with any supporting materials to be considered for placement on the agenda.
      (2)   Agenda items shall be restricted to those matters approved by the Chairperson or two members of the Planning Commission.
      (3)   All items to be considered and voted on must be on the agenda.
      (4)   Matters not on the agenda that are raised during a meeting may be discussed, but no decision may be called for or voted on.
      (5)   Meeting agendas must be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at the building where the meeting is to be held, on the state’s public notice website, or three public locations.
   (C)   Opening ceremony. Planning Commission meetings may start with the Pledge of Allegiance, an opening prayer, or other ceremony.
   (D)   Conducting the meeting.
      (1)   The Chairperson (or his, her, or their designee; generally the Vice Chairperson) will conduct Commission meetings. The Chairperson is to maintain control of the meeting and to expect that those in attendance conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.
      (2)   The Chairperson has the right to ask someone to leave the meeting, or to have someone removed for disorderly conduct.
   (E)   Procedure; motions. 
      (1)   Any Commissioner, except the Chairperson, may make or second a motion.
      (2)   The minutes of the meeting should reflect findings or reasons for the motion.
      (3)   Motions should be clear and brief as possible.
      (4)   A motion to table an agenda item for further study should be accompanied by a specific reason for continuing the matter and whenever possible, a specific date to rehear the matter should be scheduled.
      (5)   A motion for a recess shall be permitted for a specific purpose while also stipulating a specific time to reconvene the meeting, the time to reconvene must be during the meeting in which the motion to recess was made.
      (6)   A motion to adjourn the meeting is made at the end of each Planning Commission meeting, unless adjourning is on the agenda then the meeting can be adjourned without a motion, a second is required and a voted taken before the meeting is adjourned.
   (F)   Conflict of interest. If the member feels he, she, or they must abstain from voting on a matter, then he, she, or they shall not participate in the discussion/deliberation unless requested by another member of the Planning Commission.
   (G)   Citizen input. 
      (1)   The Chairperson may allow for a time at the end of the agenda or during the meeting for citizen input or comment on items not on the agenda.
      (2)   Time may be limited to no more than five minutes per topic.
   (H)   Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall attend the Planning Commission meetings as well as assist and advise the commission when necessary.