The newly elected Board shall convene at the regular place of meeting on the second Wednesday of December in each election year immediately after the prior Board adjourns and proceed to organize themselves for the ensuing year. The Chairperson pro tempore shall call the meeting to order. The Board shall then proceed to examine the credentials of its members and other elective officers of the municipality to see that each has been duly and properly elected and to see that such oaths and bonds have been given as are required. After ascertaining that all members and officers are fully qualified, the Board shall then elect one of its own body who shall be styled as Chairperson of the governing body. The Chairperson shall then nominate his or her candidates for appointive offices and said offices shall hold office until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. He or she shall then proceed with the regular order of business. It is hereby made the duty of each and every member of the Board or of its successors in office and of each officer hereafter elected to any office to qualify prior to the second Wednesday in December following the election, each officer elected at the regular municipal election shall take possession of his or her office. Each appointive officer who is required to give bond shall qualify by filing the required bond, approved by the governing body, in the office of the Municipal Clerk within two weeks from the date of his or her said appointment; provided, on said bond shall be endorsed the same oath as required of a member of the governing body. Failure to qualify by elective or appointive officers within the time and manner provided in this section shall and does in itself create a vacancy in the office to which said person failing to qualify shall have been elected or appointed.
(1995 Code, § 1-513)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-203.01