(A) Location requirements:
(1) Open fences up to three feet in height may be constructed and maintained in the front setback. Open fences up to six feet in height may be constructed and maintained in the side yard setback provided that on corner lots the fence is no closer than ten feet to the side lot line.
(2) Fences shall be permitted in rear yards, provided that the fence is located no closer to the front yard than the rear building line of the principal structure (see illustration); and
(3) Fences shall be permitted in rear yards of corner lots at a distance not closer to the right-of-way (second frontage) than the rear corner of the primary structure or the established building setback line of the property, whichever is closer to the right-of-way (see illustration).
(B) No hazardous type fence that can cause injury shall be installed or maintained within residential districts, such as barbed wire, razor wire and/or electrified fencing.
(C) No fence constructed of chain link or cyclone fencing shall be installed or maintained.
(Ord. 763, passed 9-15-2004; Am. Ord. 1093, passed 5-2-2018)