(A)   All principal buildings in the village shall be numbered with the address number assigned by the village. It is the duty of the owner, agent, tax assessee or person in possession or control of every principal building in the village to display this number prescribed in this section.
   (B)   Numbers:
      (1)   The numbers shall be displayed so as to be easily located and read from the nearest common roadway by emergency personnel (numbers shall not be placed on doors, gates or other moveable objects);
      (2)   For multiple building facilities which have a common mailing address, the number should be on the street side of the building nearest the street or roadway; or
      (3)   For buildings too distant from the street to permit easy legibility from the street, or for buildings not clearly visible from the street for whatever cause, numbers shall be affixed to any reasonable, permanent, free standing object, readily legible from the street and so located as to clearly identify the applicable building. Numbers shall not be placed on doors, gates or other moveable objects.
   (C)   Such numbers shall be in Arabic numerals no less than three inches high and one-half-inch stroke. Colors should be of a contrasting color with the surface on which they are mounted. Industrial and warehouse buildings shall have numerals no less than six inches high.
   (D)   No person shall remove or deface any building number placed upon any building in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
   (E)   No person shall retain any number on his building other than the number provided by provisions in this subchapter.
   (F)   No owner, agent, tax assessee or person in possession or control of any building shall refuse or neglect to have numbered the building or permit the same to be numbered not in conformity with this subchapter.
(Ord. 694, passed 7-1-2002)