(A)   Maximum speed restrictions. No person shall drive any motor vehicle on any street within the village at a speed which is greater than the maximum speed limit established by this section; provided however, that no person shall drive any vehicle on any street or highway within the village under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings, or of the County of Will at a speed exceeding that lawfully set for such street by those corporate authorities.
      (1)   Vehicles of the First Division. The maximum speed limit for a vehicle of the first division as defined in this subchapter, unless some other limit is established pursuant to division (A)(3) is as follows:
         (a)   Outside of an urban district the maximum is 65 miles per hour.
         (b)   In an urban district the maximum is 30 miles per hour, except that in an alley the maximum is 15 miles per hour.
         (c)   The maximum speed limit for a vehicle of the first division towing another vehicle is 55 miles per hour outside of an urban district, 30 miles per hour in an urban distract, and 15 miles per hour in an alley.
      (2)   Vehicles of the Second Division. The maximum speed limit for a vehicle of the second division as defined by this subchapter, unless some other limit is established pursuant to the provisions of division (A)(3) is as follows:
         (a)   If the vehicle is designed for pulling or carrying freight and has a gross weight of 8,000 lbs. or less (including the weight of the vehicle and the maximum load), and is equipped with pneumatic tires, the maximum is 55 miles per hour outside of an urban district, 30 miles per hour in an urban district, and 15 miles per hour in an alley; but if such vehicle is equipped with two or more solid tires, the maximum is ten miles per hour at all times and in all locations.
         (b)   If the vehicle is designed for pulling or carrying freight and has a gross weight of more than 8,000 lbs. (including the weight of the vehicle and the maximum load), and is equipped with pneumatic tires, the maximum is 50 miles per hour outside of an urban district, 30 miles per hour in an urban district, and 15 miles per hour in an alley; but if such vehicle is equipped with two or more solid tires, the maximum, is ten miles per hour at all times and in all locations.
         (c)   If the vehicle is designed for carrying more than ten passengers, and is equipped with pneumatic tires, the maximum is 60 miles per hour.
         (d)   A house car or camper shall not exceed 55 miles per hour or the posted speed limit, whichever is less.
      (3)   Alteration of limits. If the corporate authorities, by ordinance, set other limits as provided by Chapter 95-1/2, U.A.R.T., Section 50.111, Rev. Stat. 1969, after an engineering or traffic survey, then such limit shall govern the rate of speed on the streets indicated in such ordinance. Appropriate signs shall be posted showing such speed limits.
   (B)   Duty to decrease speed. The fact that the speed of a vehicle does not exceed the applicable maximum speed limit does not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, or when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reasons of weather or highway conditions; and speed shall be decreased as may be necessary, to avoid colliding with any person or vehicle on or entering the highway in compliance with legal requirements, and the duty of all persons to use due care.
   (C)   Minimum speed regulation. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation of his vehicle or in compliance with law.
   (D)   Too east for conditions. No person shall drive any vehicle upon any highway of this village at a speed which is greater than is reasonable and proper with regard to the traffic conditions and the use of the highway, or endangers the safety of any person or property.
   (E)   Electronic speed detecting devices. Where signs giving notice of a change in the speed limit have been erected, electronic speed detecting devices shall not be used within 500 feet beyond any such sign in the direction of travel. If so used in violation hereof, evidence obtained thereby shall be inadmissible in any prosecution for speeding.
   (F)   School speed limits. Provided appropriate signs are posted upon streets and highways within the village giving proper due warning that a school zone is being approached and indicating the school zone and the maximum speed limit in effect during school days when school children are present, no person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 20 miles per hour when passing a school zone or while traveling upon any public thoroughfare on or across which children pass going to and from school during school days when school children are present.
   (G)   Implements of husbandry or road tractor - display of flag or amber signal damp. When any implement of husbandry or road tractor is operated on a highway within this village at a speed of less than 20 miles per hour, there shall be displayed at all times during such operation a red flag at least 12 inches square carried on such vehicle at a height not less than ten nor more than 12 feet above the ground, or at least one flashing amber signal lamp mounted as high as practicable between sunrise and sunset, such vehicle shall at all times display at least one flashing amber signal lamp mounted as high as practicable and of sufficient intensity to be visible to the rear a distance of at least 500 feet if used in normal sunlight; provided, however, that only the rear vehicle of a combination of vehicles coupled together need display such a flag or lamp.
   (H)   Ambulances. The speed limits established by this subchapter do not apply to ambulances in motion which includes any motor vehicle primarily designed and used for conveyance of sick or injured persons, provided:
      (1)   The person operating the ambulance reasonably believes that he is responding to a bona fide emergency call or is specifically directed by a licensed physician to disregard speed limit laws in operating the ambulance during and for the purpose of the specific trip or journey involved.
      (2)   The ambulance shall be equipped with a siren producing an audible signal of an intensity of 100 decibels at a distance of 50 feet from said siren, and with a lamp emitting an oscillating, rotating or flashing red beam directed in part toward the front of the vehicle and visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle. The aforesaid siren and lamp shall be in full operation at all times during such journey.
      (3)   The provisions of this section do not relieve the driver of an ambulance from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the street, nor do those provisions protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of n reckless disregard of the safety of others.
   (I)   Violations-charges. In every charge of violation of a section of this subchapter by failure to observe an applicable speed limit, the complaint, traffic ticket, or notice to appear shall specify the speed at which the Defendant is alleged to have driven and the speed limit which is applicable at the place of the alleged violation.
(Ord. 306, passed 12-7-1970)