(A)   All vehicles operated within the city shall not exceed the speed of 20 miles per hour on all streets, alleys, and public highways except on those streets or highways on which the State Highway Department of the Police Chief declares and determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed of 20 miles per hour on certain streets and highways is less than is necessary for the safe operation of vehicles thereon. In such an event, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the posted speed when signs are erected giving notice thereof.
('76 Code, § 60.06 (F)) (Ord. 874-1967, passed - - - ; Am. Ord. 917-1970, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1259-1986, passed 4-22-86)
   (B)   All vehicles operated within the city shall not exceed 15 miles per hour when passing a school building, or the grounds thereof, during recess and while children are going to or leaving school, during the opening or closing hours, and when appropriate signs giving notice of the existence of the school are erected, except that on controlled-access highways, expressways, and freeways if the right-of-way line fence has been erected without pedestrian opening, the school speed limit shall not apply.
   (C)   Whoever violates the speed limits set forth in this section shall be subject to the fine schedule provisions set forth in KRS 189.394.
(Am. Ord. 1781-2019, passed 1-14-20)