(A) State mandate. I.C. 36-9-23-33 mandates that the officer in charge with collection of fees and penalties for sewer services shall enforce its payment. The Town Council serving in its authority as Utility Board will take all necessary measures including liens on real property and civil actions to ensure the collection of delinquent utility bills.
(B) Bills. Utility bills are issued on or about the first day of the month for services rendered the prior billing period of approximately 30 days. If the utility bill is not paid by the eighteenth of the month, a 10% late charge will be added. If the utility bill is not paid by the eighteenth of the following month, the utility will be disconnected by the following day (nineteenth) unless that is a Saturday or Sunday and the utility will be disconnected that following Monday morning by 8:00 a.m. and if no acceptable arrangements for payment have been made by the customer, then the water meter will be shut off and/or pulled. Even though water service to the dwelling has been shut-off a fee for sewer services will continue as long as the dwelling is occupied. This fee will be based on the number of occupants and/or previous usage history.
(C) Disconnection. If non-payment of a utility bill results in a disconnection of the utility then the customer will be required to pay a $65 service charge over and above all fees, penalties and interest to reconnect to the utility.
(D) Liability of landlords for delinquent sewer bills. I.C. 36-9-23-3.2 states that delinquent sewer charges are fees assessed against real property and constitute a lien against the property assessed. I.C. 36-9-25-11.2 states that if a fee for sanitary sewer services is not paid within 30 days after it is due, a copy of any notice of delinquency sent to a delinquent user who is a tenant must be sent to the owner of the property also. Any delinquent sewer bill not paid by a tenant will be assessed against the landowners’ property tax, by the procedure as set forth by state law.
(Ord. 98-1, passed 1-3-1998; Ord. 2019-02, passed 3-11-2019)