§ 94.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person found in violation of this chapter shall be subject to the following procedures.
      (1)   The Fire or Police Department personnel shall issue a warning notice to a first-time violator stating that he or she is in violation. The person must then correct the violation by immediately extinguishing the fire. Failure or refusal to immediately extinguish the fire shall result in a citation being issued.
      (2)   Issuance of a citation to the violator shall result in the imposition of a $100 fine as administered by the town pursuant to Ord. 2005-03.
      (3)   Failure or refusal by the violator to immediately extinguish the fire in violation of this chapter shall also result in the Fire Department having the authority to go upon private property to extinguish said fire.
      (4)   Fire Departments will then have the legal right to bill at a minimum rate of $250 and it is not paid within 30 days will be subject to court with a $100 administrative fee, original bill rate and court cost.
      (5)   Each subsequent starting, kindling, causing or allowing of a new fire where a warning notice or citation has been issued shall be considered a separate offense.
   (B)   Recovery of costs associated with fines for this chapter shall be turned into the courts for collection in small claims courts and not certified to the County Auditor for collection as delinquent taxes if not paid within 30 days.
(Ord. 2013-06, passed 10-14-2013; Ord. 2016-3, passed 8-8-2016)