(A)   The Chief of Police or the enforcement officer or officers under his or her control are hereby authorized to use radar or any mechanical or electric timing device for the determination of the speed of a motor vehicle over a measured distance of the street or highway.
   (B)   The driver of any motor vehicle which has been checked by radar, or by any electrical or mechanical timing device, to determine the speed of the motor vehicle over a measured distance of the highway and found to be in violation of the posted speed limit on that highway, may be arrested until a warrant can be obtained, provided the arresting officer has observed the recording of the speed of such motor vehicle by the radio microwaves, or electrical or mechanical timing device, or has received a radio message from an officer who observed the speed of the motor vehicle recorded by the radio microwaves, or electrical or mechanical timing device.  In case of an arrest based on such a message, the radio message must have been dispatched immediately after the speed of the motor vehicle was recorded and the arresting officer furnished a description of the motor vehicle for proper identification, and the recorded speed. 
(R.C. § 4511.091(A))
   (C)   If the driver of a motor vehicle being driven on a public street or highway is observed violating any provisions of this chapter other than R.C. §§ 4511.21 or 4511.211 by a law enforcement officer situated at any location, including in any type of airborne aircraft or airship, that law enforcement officer may send a radio message to another law enforcement officer, and the other law enforcement officer may arrest the driver of the motor vehicle until a warrant can be obtained or may issue the driver a citation for the violation; provided, if an arrest or citation is based on such a message, the radio message is dispatched immediately after the violation is observed and the law enforcement officer who observes the violation furnishes to the law enforcement officer who makes the arrest or issues the citation a description of the alleged violation and the motor vehicle for proper identification. 
(R.C. § 4511.091(B))
(Am. Ord. 13-71, passed 5-5-1971)