The following are optional methods of accommodating parking as an alternative to constructing an adequate number of parking spaces on an individual lot pursuant to this chapter. The use of one of these alternatives shall require review and approval under Chapter 1157 "Site Plan Review."
(a) Reduction of Required Parking for Joint Use of Parking Spaces.
(1) A reduction in the total number of required off-street parking spaces for two (2) or more uses jointly providing parking facilities may be approved when their respective hours of need of maximum parking do not normally overlap, provided that the developer submits sufficient data to demonstrate that the hours of maximum demand for parking at the respective uses do not normally overlap. The required spaces assigned to one use may not be assigned to another use at the same time.
(2) No joint parking area shall be located in a residential district.
(b) Deferred Parking Reduction for Elderly and Disabled Housing. Reduce the parking for dwelling units restricted for the elderly and disabled to one (1) space per unit plus an area on the site reserved for future parking to accommodate one (1) additional space per dwelling unit. This provision is intended only for new developments and projects that involve major remodeling.
(c) Additional Reductions in Parking. A reduction in the required number of parking spaces may be allowed if the applicant submits a parking demand study, prepared by a qualified parking or traffic consultant, substantiating the basis for granting a reduced number of spaces.
(Ord. 30-22. Passed 12-12-22.)