(a) Pre-Application Meeting. Prior to filing a formal application for a PUD, the applicant shall request a meeting in accordance with Section 1153.07 "Effect of Pre-Application Meetings." At the pre-application meeting, the applicant may present a general sketch plan of the proposed PUD which provides an overview of the proposed project.
(b) Application Review. All PUDs shall be reviewed as a zoning map amendment pursuant to Chapter 1159 "Zoning Text and Map Amendments."
(c) PUD Development Plan. Applications shall include a development plan, as defined, which unless specifically stated otherwise shall be a condition of PUD approval.
(d) Architectural Elevations. Applications shall include perspective front, side and rear elevation drawings of representative building types, except for detached single-family dwellings and their accessory buildings. These drawings shall indicate general architectural characteristics. If the PUD is approved, architectural elevations submitted as part of the application shall be considered binding unless specifically noted otherwise in the approval. If the PUD involves detached single-family dwellings, architectural elevations shall not be required.
(e) Permitted Uses List and Development Summary. The application shall include a list of all permitted land uses proposed to be included in the PUD, the total land area devoted to each of the land uses proposed, the percentage of the total land area within the PUD devoted to each proposed land use, the number of residential units by type and density, and the total square footage of buildings devoted to non-residential uses. In addition, the application shall contain a development schedule indicating the approximate dates for beginning and completing the project, or each phase if the development is to be phased, and the extent of development and types of land uses in each phase.
(f) Minimum Requirements Comparison. The application shall contain all minimum dimensional requirements that are proposed to apply within the PUD, including minimum lot sizes, minimum lot widths, maximum lot coverage, front, side and rear yards and building setbacks, and maximum heights. Such proposed performance standards shall be presented in a table on the site plan or in the written text accompanying the application that shows the proposed lot, height, coverage and other dimensional standards in relation to the performance standards required for the zoning district or districts in which the subject property is located.
(g) Improvement Standards. The application shall contain descriptions of improvements to be constructed within the PUD, such as but not limited to street types, right-of-way widths, pavement widths, sidewalk locations and dimensions, and other improvements. Such proposed improvements shall be presented in a table in the written text accompanying the application.
(h) Private Restrictions. PUDs that have commonly owned facilities and open space shall have private restrictions and covenants established which shall be subject to the approval of the Village Solicitor.
(i) Community Benefit Statement. The applicant shall submit a written statement identifying the relative benefits that will accrue to the community as a result of the property being developed under PUD provisions. Specific mention should be made of mix of uses included, open spaces provided, natural features retained and architectural design to be provided. This statement is a developer's opportunity to define why the PUD proposal merits approval and how it will serve the community better than a conventional development.
(Ord. 30-22. Passed 12-12-22.)