This section provides an explanation of all the symbols and information contained within the Permitted Principal Use Table 1113-1, and the Permitted Accessory Use Table 1113-2 which identifies where and how uses are permitted within the base zoning districts.
(a) [P] Permitted Uses. A "P" indicates that a use is permitted by right, subject to compliance with all other applicable regulations of this Zoning Ordinance.
(b) [C] Conditional Permitted Uses. A "C" indicates that a use is allowed only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the Conditional Use procedures of Chapter 1161 "Conditional Use Review."
(c) Not Allowed. A blank cell (one with a "-" and does not contain a "P" or "C") indicates that the listed use is not allowed in the respective zoning district.
(d) Use Standards. The existence of use standards for a use category is noted two ways:
(1) By a bracketed table note reference "[x]" within the table cell containing the "P" or "C." Unless otherwise noted uses are also subject to other applicable regulations of this Zoning Ordinance, and/or
(2) Uses may be subject to additional use-specific standards as identified in the last column of Table 1113-1 and Table 1113-2. Unless otherwise noted uses are also subject to other applicable regulations of this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 30-22. Passed 12-12-22.)