The following are the statements of purpose for each of the base zoning districts established in this Zoning Ordinance.
(a) Rural Residential District (R-R). The Rural Residential District is designed to:
(1) Preserve and protect for agricultural use these land areas needed and best suited for agriculture.
(2) Prevent the indiscriminate spread of urban uses into rural areas which are incompatible with agricultural pursuits, and which contribute to their premature termination.
(3) Retain land which could eventually be developed for urban uses currently in productive agricultural uses.
(b) Low Density Residential District (R-1). The Low Density Residential District is created to provide for single-family residential uses at a density of not more than two and nine-tenths (2.9) dwelling units per gross acre.
(c) Medium Density Residential District (R-2). The R-2 District is created to provide for single-family and duplex residential uses at a density of not more than four and three-tenths (4.3) dwelling units per gross acre.
(d) High Density Residential District (R-3). The R-3 District is created to provide for single-family, two-family and multi-family residential uses. This District may be used only when adequate public sewer and public water services are available.
(e) Manufactured Home Park District (R-4). The District shall be used in areas suitable for residential development. It will be limited to the prefabricated types of single-family manufactured dwelling units and other uses characteristic of a residential area.
(f) Neighborhood Business District (NB). The Neighborhood Business District is created to provide for the retailing of convenience goods and essential personal services to satisfy the daily and weekly household and personal needs of the surrounding residential neighborhoods.
(g) General Business District (GB). The General Business District is created to provide retailing and personal services which require larger tracts of land and encompass a larger service area than that of the Neighborhood Business District. This district is so designed to permit commercial development of permitted uses which will be limited only by standards set forth to protect the abutting districts and as directed against the extension of strip zoning. The General Business District shall be considered for use in limited areas adjacent to the Central Business District and in accessible locations along primary through routes on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Strip zoning utilizing this district shall be prohibited.
(h) Central Business District (CB). It is the intention of Council that by the creation of the Central Business District and its appurtenant regulations, further expansion and renewal of the historical core business area will be encouraged in such a manner that it is pleasant, convenient and efficient to use.
(i) Professional Office Business District (POB). The Professional Office Business District is designed to specifically provide for office development in the Village of Elmore.
(j) Planned Business Park District (PBP). The purpose of the Planned Business Park District is to encourage, in appropriate locations, the development of a compatible mix of commercial, industrial, office and institutional land uses, which will be characterized by a park-like openness with attractive modern buildings set in an appropriate landscaped environment. Businesses located therein shall be harmoniously integrated with each other and be compatible to that portion of the municipality within which the Planned Business Park is located. Area requirements of the District are designed to promote the concentration of these desirable industries so that necessary common facilities may be provided used in order that problems of utilities, access, fire control, traffic control and other services may be more easily solved.
(k) Light Industrial District (LI). The purpose of the Light Industrial District is to encourage the development of manufacturing and wholesale business establishments which are clean, quiet and free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke, or glare, operate entirely within enclosed structures and generate little industrial traffic. This district is further designed to act as a transitional use between heavy industrial uses and other less intensive business and residential uses.
(l) Heavy Industrial District (HI). The purpose of the Heavy Industrial District is to encourage the development of major manufacturing, processing, warehousing and major research and testing operations. These activities require extensive community facilities, and reasonable access to primary through routes. They may have extensive open storage and service areas, generate heavy traffic, but shall be prohibited if they create nuisances beyond the limitations set up by the Planning Commission. (Ord. 30-22. Passed 12-12-22.)