(A)   The Board of Trustees may, by ordinance, call a caucus for the purpose of nomination of candidates for offices to be filled in the village election. This caucus shall be held at least ten days before the filing deadline for that election, and the Board of Trustees shall publish notice of the caucus in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county at least once each week for two consecutive weeks before the caucus.
(Neb. RS 17-601.01)
   (B)   The Chairperson of the caucus at which candidates are nominated shall notify in writing the Village Clerk-Treasurer of the candidates so nominated, not later than two days following the caucus. The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall then notify the persons so nominated of their nomination, this notification to take place not later than five days after the caucus. A candidate so nominated shall not have his or her name placed upon the ballot unless, not more than ten days after the holding of the caucus, he or she files with the Village Clerk-Treasurer a written statement accepting the nomination of the caucus and pays the filing fee, if any, for the office for which he or she was nominated.
(Neb. RS 17-601.02)
(1991 Code, § 1-709)