(A)   (1)   Except as provided in Neb. RS 77-3444, any issue to be submitted to the registered voters at a special election by the village shall be certified by the City Clerk to the Election Commissioner or County Clerk on or before the eighth Friday prior to the election. A special election may be held by mail as provided in Neb. RS 32-952 through 32-959. Any other special election under this section shall be subject to division (B) of this section.
      (2)   In lieu of submitting the issue at a special election, the village may submit the issue at a statewide primary or general election or at any scheduled county election, except that no such issue shall be submitted at a statewide election or scheduled county election unless the issue to be submitted has been certified by the City Clerk to the Election Commissioner or County Clerk by March 1 for the primary election and by September 1 for the general election.
      (3)   After the Election Commissioner or County Clerk has received the certification of the issue to be submitted, he or she shall be responsible for all matters relating to the submission of the issue to the registered voters, except that the City Clerk shall be responsible for the publication or posting of any required special notice of the submission of the issue other than the notice required to be given of the statewide election issues. The Election Commissioner or County Clerk shall prepare the ballots and issue ballots for early voting and shall also conduct the submission of the issue, including the receiving and counting of ballots on the issue. The election returns shall be made to the Election Commissioner or County Clerk. The ballots shall be counted and canvassed at the same time and in the same manner as the other ballots. Upon completion of the canvass of the vote by the County Canvassing Board, the Election Commissioner or County Clerk shall certify the election results to the City Council. The canvass by the County Canvassing Board shall have the same force and effect as if made by the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   (1)   A village that has submitted an issue for a special election under division (A)(1) of this section may cancel the special election if the Secretary of State, Election Commissioner, or County Clerk receives a resolution adopted by the political subdivision canceling the special election on or before the fourth Thursday prior to the election. No cancellation shall be effective after such date. If a special election is canceled in such manner, the village shall be responsible for the costs incurred that are related to the canceled election. Such costs shall include all chargeable costs as provided in section Neb. RS 32-1202 associated with preparing for and conducting a special election.
      (2)   A village that has submitted an issue at a statewide primary or general election or at any scheduled county election under division (A)(2) of this section may withdraw the issue from the ballot if the Secretary of State, Election Commissioner, or County Clerk receives a resolution adopted by the village withdrawing the issue from the ballot no later than March 1 prior to a statewide primary election or September 1 prior to a statewide general election. No withdrawal shall be effective after such date. Any issue withdrawn in this manner shall not be printed on the ballot.
(Neb. RS 32-559)
   (C)   Any special election under the Election Act shall be held on the first Tuesday following the second Monday of the selected month unless otherwise specifically provided. No special election shall be held under the Election Act in April, May, June, October, November, or December of an even-numbered year unless it is held in conjunction with the statewide primary or general election. No special election shall be held under the Election Act in September of an even-numbered year except for a special election by a political subdivision pursuant to Neb. RS 13-519 or Neb. RS 77-3444 to approve a property tax levy or exceed a property tax levy limitation.
(Neb. RS 32-405)
(1991 Code, § 1-706) (Ord. 2005-18, passed 6-23-2005; Ord. 2021-9, passed 1-28-2021; Ord. 2022-15, passed 12-19-2022)
Statutory reference:
   For similar state law, see Neb. RS 32-405, 32-559