(A)   The Marshal shall be Chief of Police, and shall at all times have the power to make or order an arrest with proper process, for any offense against the laws of the state or ordinances of the village, and bring the offender to trial before the proper officer, and to arrest without process in all cases where any such offense shall be committed or attempted to be committed in his or her presence.
   (B)   At any and all times in which the village shall have contracted with Buffalo County, Nebraska, and/or the Buffalo County Sheriff’s Department to provide law enforcement services to the village, any officer or deputy designated by such Buffalo County Sheriff’s Department to serve as contact representative with the village shall function as Village Marshal and shall be empowered with all powers and authority bestowed upon the Village Marshal by the laws of the State of Nebraska or by this Municipal Code. Whenever the term Village Marshal or Chief of Police is used or referenced in this Municipal Code, it shall be deemed to denote such member of the Buffalo County Sheriff’s Department in such instance, and the applicable provisions of this Municipal Code shall be interpreted and enforced accordingly.
(1991 Code, § 1-211) (Ord. 525, passed 4-17-1997; Ord. 2019-15, passed 6-27-2019)