The following described territory in the Village of Elm Creek shall be and constitute the fire limits.
Starting at a point where the East line of Block 4, Arendt’s Second Addition, if extended, intersects the center line of the North rail tract of the Union Pacific Railroad, then North along the East line of said Block 4, extending to the Northeast corner of said Block 4; then West along the North line of said Block 4 and the center of Potter Avenue to the center of the intersection of Potter Avenue in Beecroft Street; then North to the center of the intersection of Beecroft Street and Calkins Avenue; then West to a point where the center line of Calkins Avenue if entered, intersects the center of Easy Street; then South to the center of the North main track of the Union Pacific Railroad; then Southeast along the center line of said track to the place of beginning.
(Neb. RS 17-550) (1991 Code, § 7-206)