Any dog or other animal suspected of being afflicted with rabies or any dog not vaccinated in accordance with the provisions in this chapter which has bitten any person or has caused an abrasion of the skin of any person shall be seized by a police officer or animal control officer of this village and shall be impounded under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian or public health authority, for not less than ten days. If, upon examination by a veterinarian, the dog or animal has no clinical signs of rabies at the end of such impoundment, it shall be released to the owner upon payment of the costs of said impoundment by said owner or, in the case of an unlicensed dog, it shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions herein. If the owner of said dog has proof of vaccination, it shall be confined by the owner or some other responsible person for a period of at least ten days, at which time the dog shall be examined by a licensed veterinarian. If no signs of rabies are observed, the dog may be released from confinement.
(1991 Code, § 6-129) (Ord. 589, passed 4-20-2000)