As a monthly tariff to be charged each consumer of water from the waterworks system of the village, the following classes of users and monthly schedule of rates, fees, and charges are hereby established and set in accordance with § 52.01 of this code.
(A) Effective August 1, 2017.
(1) Class I user: residential service connection.
(a) Single-family dwellings: a rate charge of $17.50 per month for each month of service.
(b) Duplexes or other multi-family dwellings including rental units in any single-family dwelling: a rate charge of $35 per month for each occupied unit for each month of service.
(c) Apartment houses: a rate charge of $17.15 per month for the first apartment, and a rate charge of $10.15 per month for each additional apartment.
(d) Vacant lots (as shown by the official plat of the village) served directly from the main: a rate charge of $17.50 per month for the six-month period of April, May, June. July, August, and September for each month of service.
(e) Mobile home court: a rate charge of $17.50 per month for each occupied unit in place.
(f) Housing authority: a rate charge of $17.50 per month for each occupied unit for each month of service.
(2) Class II user: commercial or industrial service connection.
(a) Schools: a rate charge of $197.50 per month for each month of service.
(b) Car wash: a rate charge of $45.75 per month for each month of service.
(c) Laundromat: a rate charge of $37.25 per month for each month of service.
(d) All other commercial or industrial users: a rate charge of $17.50 per month for each month of service.
(B) Effective August 1, 2018.
(1) Class I user: residential service connection.
(a) Single-family dwellings: a rate charge of $19.50 per month for each month of service.
(b) Duplexes or other multi-family dwellings including rental units in any single-family dwelling: a rate charge of $39 per month for each occupied unit for each month of service.
(c) Apartment houses: a rate charge of $19.50 per month for the first apartment, and a rate charge of $11.25 per month for each additional apartment.
(d) Vacant lots (as shown by the official plat of the village) served directly from the main: a rate charge of $19.50 per month for the six-month period of April, May, June. July, August, and September for each month of service.
(e) Mobile home court: a rate charge of $19.50 per month for each occupied unit in place.
(f) Housing authority: a rate charge of $19.50 per month for each occupied unit for each month of service.
(2) Class II user: commercial or industrial service connection.
(a) Schools: a rate charge of $220 per month for each month of service.
(b) Car wash: a rate charge of $49.75 per month for each month of service.
(c) Laundromat: a rate charge of $41.50 per month for each month of service.
(d) All other commercial or industrial users: a rate charge of $19.50 per month for each month of service.
(C) Effective August 1, 2019.
(1) Class I user: residential service connection.
(a) Single-family dwellings: a rate charge of $21.50 per month for each month of service.
(b) Duplexes or other multi-family dwellings including rental units in any single-family dwelling: a rate charge of $43 per month for each occupied unit for each month of service.
(c) Apartment houses: a rate charge of $21.50 per month for the first apartment, and a rate charge of $12.50 per month for each additional apartment.
(d) Vacant lots (as shown by the official plat of the village) served directly from the main: a rate charge of $21.50 per month for the six-month period of April, May, June. July, August, and September for each month of service.
(e) Mobile home court: a rate charge of $21.50 per month for each occupied unit in place.
(f) Housing authority: a rate charge of $21.50 per month for each occupied unit for each month of service.
(2) Class II user: commercial or industrial service connection.
(a) Schools: a rate charge of $242.50 per month for each month of service.
(b) Car wash: a rate charge of $55 per month for each month of service.
(c) Laundromat: a rate charge of $45.75 per month for each month of service.
(d) All other commercial or industrial users: a rate charge of $21.50 per month for each month of service.
(D) Services outside corporate limits of village. For connections with and services from the village’s water system outside the corporate limits of the village, each owner/user shall, subject to acceptance of service and determination by the Chairperson and Village Board of Trustees, pay a rental or user charge not less than twice that prescribed above for users within the corporate limits of the village. Section 52.04 of the code shall be controlling in all such instances.
(1991 Code, § 3-109) (Ord. 2010-10, passed 12-16-2010; Ord. 2017-2, passed 6-22-2107)