(A)   (1)   The Library Board shall consist of five appointed members who shall be residents of the municipality who shall serve terms of three years. However, two of the members may be residents of the area over which the municipality is authorized to exercise extraterritorial zoning and subdivision regulation. The governing body shall appoint the members of the Library Board by a majority vote. Neither the Chairperson of the Board nor any member of the governing body shall be a member of the Library Board. The terms of members serving on the effective date of a change in the number of members shall not be shortened, and any successors to those members shall be appointed as the terms of those members expire. In case of any vacancy by resignation, removal or otherwise, the governing body shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
      (2)   No member shall receive any pay or compensation for any services rendered as a member of the Library Board. The governing body may require the members of the Library Board to give a bond in a sum set by resolution of the governing body and conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties.
      (3)   At the time of the Board’s first meeting in December of each year, the Board shall organize by selecting from their number a Chairperson and Secretary. No member of the Library Board shall serve in the capacity of both the Chairperson and Secretary of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the full and correct minutes and records of all meetings, and to file the same with the Municipal Clerk where they shall be available for public inspection at any reasonable time.
      (4)   A majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall meet at such times as the governing body may designate. Special meetings may be held upon the call of the Chairperson or a majority of the members of the Board.
      (5)   The Library Board shall have the authority to appoint a librarian and all other employees. The Board shall have supervisory authority over all employees of the library including the librarian.
      (6)   The Library Board shall have general charge of the municipal library and shall establish appropriate rules and regulations for the management, operation, and use of the library. All actions of the Board shall be subject to the review and supervision of the governing body. The Board shall be responsible for making such reports and performing such additional duties as the governing body may designate from time to time.
(Neb. RS 51-202)
   (B)   The Library Board shall, on or before the second Monday in February in each year, make a report to the Village Board of the condition of its trust on the last day of the prior fiscal year. The report shall show all money received and credited or expended; the number of materials held, including books, video and audio materials, software programs, and materials in other formats; the number of periodical subscriptions on record, including newspapers; the number of materials added and the number withdrawn from the collection during the year; the number of materials circulated during the year; and other statistics, information, and suggestions as the Library Board may deem of general interest or as the Village Board may require. The report shall be verified by affidavit of the President and Secretary of the Library Board.
(Neb. RS 51-213)
(1991 Code, § 2-206, 2-206.01) (Ord. 566, passed 11-19-1998; Ord. 2005-30, passed 7-28-2005; Ord. 2022-4, passed 12-19-2022)