(A)   All parties who have a financial interest in the subdivision and subsequent development must be on record as agreeing with the submission provisions in the application to the Plan Commission.
   (B)   When it is clearly in the towns interest that a parcel should not be developed through further subdivision, the Planning Commission may reject a primary plat.  Reasons for property not to be further developed include:
      (1)   Property subject to flooding;
      (2)   Property underlined by significant caverns and karst features;
      (3)   Property that has marketable dimension limestone;
      (4)   Property with archeological significance;
      (5)   Property with endangered species habitat; and/or
      (6)   Property that has accumulated environmental waste.
   (C)   Subdivisions must comply with the Ellettsville Area Rural Community Plan and the 2002 Ellettsville Comprehensive Plan.
   (D)   Subdivision streets must generally comply with the provisions of the transportation thoroughfare plan details within the Ellettsville Area Rural Community Plan and the comprehensive plan.
   (E)   Subdivision block length maximum is 800 feet.
      (1)   Maximum cul-de-sac length is 600 feet.
      (2)   Size of all cul-de-sacs will be a 40-foot radius.
   (F)   Subdivisions must provide utility and drainage easements on the perimeter of the property at not less than 20-feet wide.
   (G)   Provisions for lot width and depth are to be no more than a 4:1 ratio. (See zoning ordinance requirements.)
   (H)   (1)   Provision of green space, trails, pathways, park features and playgrounds are required to meet the basic needs of each subdivision.
      (2)   Encouragement to add extra amenities and features that facilitate the walkablity for residents may be established by the Planning Commission, and may be used to determine a density bonus of units within the subdivision
   (I)   Clustering or grouping of structures to both save on infrastructure investment and design with nature around a sensitive natural feature may be given a waiver from the strict application of the zoning code, as long as the new subdivision plat:
      (1)   Conforms generally to the Ellettsville Area Rural Community Plan and the comprehensive plan; and
      (2)   Furthers economic investment quality, health, safety and welfare of the overall community.
   (J)   A buffering plan to lessen the impact of different land uses may be required.
      (1)   The buffer may include fences, earthen berms, evergreens and/or shade trees.
      (2)   The design will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific site situation.
   (K)   Healthy trees over a 30-inch diameter may be required to be saved and marked for conservation on the submitted site plan.
      (1)   Native shade trees are mandated to be planted at an average of every 50 feet in the front yard of each lot.
      (2)   Where possible, additional trees may line the streets in plots between the sidewalk and the curb.
   (L)   Each surveyor must follow standard professional practice and leave permanent monuments at appropriate locations.
   (M)   Only large lot subdivisions, each averaging three acres per lot with no lot less than two acres, may apply for a waiver of street width.
   (N)   Waivers from strict application of the zoning code may be requested at the time of site plan review and prior to the approval of the primary plat.
      (1)   The waiver may be requested for hardship related to a unique physical characteristic of the land to be developed.
      (2)   If an innovative or creative site plan design is submitted, a waiver may be requested, provided there is substantive research or expert opinion to support the proposed innovation.
(Ord. 03-27, 852-40, passed 12-22-2003)