The following regulations apply to situations where zoning district boundaries may permit potentially conflicting uses of land on a lot:
   (A)   Where the boundary lines of a zoning district divide a lot having frontage on a street in a less-restricted zone, the provisions of this chapter covering the less-restricted portion of the lot may extend into the lot, but in no case more than 30 feet.
   (B)   Where the boundary lines of a zoning district divide a lot having frontage on a street in a more-restrictive zone, the provisions of this chapter covering the more-restricted portion of the lot may extend to the entire lot.
   (C)   Where the street layout actually on the ground varies from the layout as shown on the zoning districts map, the Director of Planning Services shall interpret such map according to the reasonable intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 03-05, § 814-35, passed 5-27-2003)