Erosion and sediment control measures shall be designed and installed in accordance with Rule 5, the Monroe County Drainage Ordinance, and the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual.  Unless judged by the Town of Ellettsville Planning Director to be exempt or granted a waiver, the following performance criteria shall be addressed for storm water management at all sites:
   (A)   All site designs shall establish storm water management practices to control the peak flow rates of storm water discharge associated with specified design storms and reduce the generation of storm water.  These practices should seek to utilize pervious areas of storm water treatment and to infiltrate storm water runoff from driveways, sidewalks, rooftops, parking lots, and landscaped areas to the maximum extent practical to provide treatment for both water quality and quantity.
   (B)   All storm water runoff generated from new development shall not discharge directly into a jurisdictional wetland or Waters of the United States without adequate treatment.  Where such discharges are proposed, the impact of the proposal on wetland functional values shall be assessed using a method acceptable to the jurisdictional storm water authority.  In no case shall the impact on functional values be any less than allowed by the Army Corp of Engineers (ACE) or the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
   (C)   Annual groundwater recharge rates shall be maintained by promoting infiltration through the use of structural and non-structural methods.
   (D)   (1)   For new development, structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be designed to remove to the maximum extent practicable of the average annual post development total suspended solids load (TSS).  It is presumed that a BMP complies with this performance standard if it is:
         (a)   Sized to capture the prescribed water quality volume (WQV);
         (b)   Designed according to the specific performance criteria outlined in the local storm water design manual;
         (c)   Constructed properly; and
         (d)   Maintained regularly.
      (2)   A list of pre-approved post-construction BMPs along with procedures to be followed for approval of innovative BMPs or BMPs not in the pre-approved list are provided in the Monroe County standards and specifications.
(Ord. 05-21, passed 10-24-2005)