§ 152.085  PURPOSE.
   (A)   The light industrial district designates areas for manufacturing, processing and assembly operations that produce very little or no smoke, dust, noise, or other environmentally objectionable byproducts. Warehousing and distribution are acceptable uses in the I-1 district.  Due to potential heavy truck traffic, location along a well-constructed industrial or collector street with access to an arterial street, or along an arterial street, is important.  Residential should be prohibited, and all but light commercial uses should be discouraged.
(Ord. 03-05, § 824-05, passed 5-27-2003)
   (B)   The heavy industrial district provides areas for manufacturing, processing and assembly operations that may require access to heavily-built truck routes or rail services.  Storage and warehousing are incidental uses in the I-2 district.  Location along an industrial street with access to a principal arterial is recommended.  Residential should be prohibited, and most non-industrial uses are discouraged.
(Ord. 03-05, § 824-10, passed 5-27-2003; Am. Ord. 2013-17, passed 2-24-2014; Am. Ord. 2017-13, passed 10-10-2017)