(A)   Definition.  A planned leave of absence is scheduled leave from employment duties for a reason, which serves the best interest of the town.
   (B)   Eligibility.  Only full-time and part-time employees who have completed one year of continuous town employment are eligible to apply for a planned leave of absence.
   (C)   Duration.  A planned leave of absence shall be for a period of not less than one month and not more than six months; however, leave for an elected official may not extend beyond the term of the official.
   (D)   Application.  Employees desiring to take a planned leave of absence shall submit an application for extended, non-paid leave of absence form to their supervisor.  The request shall be forwarded to the supervisor for consideration.
   (E)   Approval.  The decision as to whether to grant a leave and the terms thereof lies entirely with the supervisor.  However, if it is an appointed supervisor who is requesting such leave, the decision to approve or deny lies with the supervisor’s supervising authority.
   (F)   Compensation.  Employees will not be paid during their leave of absence.
   (G)   Benefits. Employees will not accrue any benefits while on leave.  However, an approved leave does not constitute a break in continuous service.  Accordingly, eligibility for benefits that require continuous service will not be affected during the period that an employee is on approved leave.  The employee on leave will remain on INPRS but no additional INPRS contributions by the town will be made during the leave.  The employee on leave will continue to have medical insurance benefits, if eligible under the terms of the insurance policy.  However, the employee must make arrangements with the Clerk- Treasurer to pay the full amount of the premium unless the supervisor approves the leave for medical reasons, which are verified by a physician’s statement (in which case, the employee must pay only the employee portion of the premium).
   (H)   Return from leave.  Thirty days before returning work, they must provide written notice to their supervisor of the employee’s intention to return to work.  Within seven days thereafter, the employee shall make an appointment with the supervisor to discuss the return or the employee forfeits any right to return which may have previously been granted by the town.
(Ord. 05-04, passed 2-28-2005)