Members of the Board represent the citizens of Ellettsville and the broader interest of the community.  Where in the case of a special exception an uncommon use can be approved with conditions the use may become a legal approved use for the specific site and advance the community’s enterprise.  Where in the case of a variance the property owner requests relief from the strict code due to an uncommon condition, which was not caused by the property owner, or if variance from the code was minimal and of no impact to the neighboring properties, written findings of fact and reasons for decisions should be filled out at each meeting on a form prepared by the town’s zoning officer or administrative staff complying precisely with the state rules for Board of Zoning Appeals decisions.  Granting of a variance or special exception runs with the property and change of ownership does not effect the continuing of the variance or special exception or commitments to specified conditions.
(Ord. 03-05, § 806-15, passed 5-27-2003)