(A)   PUD District ordinance. Amendments to the PUD district ordinance shall follow the same procedure for amending the text of this chapter.
   (B)   Preliminary Plan.  To the extent that a preliminary plan is a conceptual and general rendering of a proposed development conforming to the planned unit development district ordinance, a final plan may deviate from the approved preliminary plan in some respects without necessitating an amendment to the preliminary plan.  However, any deviation from an approved preliminary plan that alters the concept or intent of the planned unit development shall be subject to the procedure for approval of a new preliminary plan.  The Plan Commission may require that an application for preliminary plan amendment encompass the entire planned unit development.  Deviations that require a preliminary plan amendment include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Changes in the location, proportion or allocation of uses, or changes to the types of uses allowed;
      (2)   Increases in residential density;
      (3)   More than a 10% change to the proportion of housing types;
      (4)   Changes in building structures or number of building structures;
      (5)   More than a 1% reduction of proposed open space;
      (6)   Changes in functional uses of open space, where such change constitutes an intensification of open space usage;
      (7)   Changes in the ratio of off- street parking spaces to use;
      (8)   Changes in standards, continuity, or general location of roads, utilities, or stormwater management features; or
      (9)   Changes in the covenants, conditions and restrictions, or other governing agreements, that affect any matter regulated by the planned unit ordinance.
(Ord. 2012-09, passed 5-29-2012; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 2-25-2019)